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December 12, 2018

Council President Speaks on US-Taiwan Relations at Conference hosted by GWU

On December 12, 2018, Council President Rupert Hammond-Chambers spoke on “US-Taiwan Relations: Enhancing the Terms of Engagement in Media, Business and Trade,” a conference hosted by the Sigur Center for Asian Studies, Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University, in Washington, D.C.  

October 17, 2018 Articles & Editorials

Editorial: Taiwan’s Energy Environment

Editorial: Taiwan’s Energy Environment: Sunshine and Fair Winds Ahead? (Arlington, Virginia, October 17, 2018) Editorial by Lotta Danielsson – Global Taiwan Brief Reliable access to cost-effective energy has long been a concern in Taiwan, not only for the Taiwan government and populace, but also for the businesses operating there—particularly given the island’s dearth of indigenous […]

September 25, 2018 Press Releases

USTBC Comments on Congressional Notification for U.S. Arms Sales to Taiwan

Press Release: September 24, 2018 U.S. Arms Sale to Taiwan (Arlington, Virginia, September 25, 2018) The US-Taiwan Business Council today welcomed the decision by the U.S. Department of State to announce its approval of a possible Foreign Military Sales Order (FMSO) to Taiwan for an estimated value of US$330 million. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency […]

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September 12, 2018

Council President Moderates at 2018 GTI Annual US-Taiwan Symposium

On September 12, 2018, Council President Rupert Hammond-Chambers moderated the “US-Taiwan Economic Cooperation” panel at “Annual Symposium 2018: Reassuring and Reinforcing US-Taiwan Relations,” an event hosted by the Global Taiwan Institute, in Washington, D.C. Watch on YouTube: GTI 2018 Annual Symposium: Reassuring and Reinforcing US-Taiwan Relations