USTBC Comments on Proposed Foreign Military Sale to Taiwan
Press Release: Proposed Foreign Military Sale to Taiwan of F-16 Pilot Training & Maintenance/Logistics Support (Arlington, Virginia, April 15, 2019) The US-Taiwan Business Council today welcomed the announcement of a possible Foreign Military Sale of F-16 Pilot Training and Maintenance/Logistics Support to Taiwan at an estimated cost of US$500 million. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency […]
USTBC Supports Taiwan’s Request for Fighter Jets from the US
Press Release: Taiwan’s Request for New F-16 Viper Fighter Jets from the United States (Arlington, Virginia, March 7, 2019) According to a statement yesterday from the Ministry of National Defense (MND), Taiwan has made an official request to the United States for new-build fighter jets. While MND has not yet confirmed the quantity or type […]

2019 US-Taiwan Business Council Chairman’s Delegation to Taiwan
On February 13-15, 2019, Council Chairman Michael Splinter traveled to Taiwan together with President Rupert Hammond-Chambers, members of the Council’s Board of Directors, and a large delegation of U.S. company representatives. In Taiwan, the delegation met with senior members of the Taiwan government – including with President Tsai Ing-wen. The delegation members learned more about […]

Happy Lunar New Year 2019!
Happy Lunar New Year 2019. The US-Taiwan Business Council celebrates the Lunar New Year in 2019, the Year of the Water Pig!
Editorial: Countering Chinese Military Modernization
Editorial: Countering Chinese Military Modernization: A Path Forward for Taiwan and the United States (Arlington, Virginia, January 24, 2019) Editorial by Lotta Danielsson – Asia Dialogue China has long undertaken a massive and sustained effort to modernize its military, and the Chinese determination to change the political and military landscape in the Asia Pacific […]

Council President Speaks at the “Taiwan in 2019” Seminar at the Global Taiwan Institute
On January 17, 2019, Council President Rupert Hammond-Chambers spoke at “Taiwan in 2019,” a seminar hosted by the Global Taiwan Institute, in Washington, D.C.