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October 17, 2017

2017 – USTBC and TW-DIDA Memorandum of Understanding on Defense Cooperation

On October 17, 2017, in Princeton, New Jersey, the US-Taiwan Business Council and the Taiwan Defense Industry Development Association (TW-DIDA) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on future partnership and cooperation in the defense sector. The MOU is intended to advance U.S. defense cooperation with Taiwan. It will not only boost collaboration on defense affairs […]

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September 14, 2017

Council President Moderates at 2017 GTI Annual US-Taiwan Symposium

On September 14, 2017, Council President Rupert Hammond-Chambers moderated the “Taiwan’s Economic Strategy and Regional Economic Trends” panel at “Annual Symposium 2017: Upgrading US-Taiwan Relations for the 21st Century,” an event hosted by the Global Taiwan Institute, in Washington, D.C.  

July 24, 2017 Articles & Editorials

Editorial: Potential U.S. Business Opportunities under Taiwan’s New Southbound Policy

Editorial: Potential U.S. Business Opportunities under Taiwan’s New Southbound Policy (Arlington, Virginia, July 24, 2017) Editorial by Lotta Danielsson – Global Taiwan Brief Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen approved the policy guidelines for her New Southbound Policy Promotion Plan in August 2016 as a key component of an extensive and comprehensive strategy to diversify and stimulate […]

June 29, 2017 Press Releases

USTBC Comments on Congressional Notification for US Arms Sales to Taiwan

Press Release: June 29, 2017 U.S. Arms Sale to Taiwan (Arlington, Virginia, June 29, 2017) The US-Taiwan Business Council today welcomed the decision by the U.S. Department of State to announce its approval of seven possible Foreign Military Sales to Taiwan, with a total value of US$1.363 billion. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) delivered […]