USTBC Comments on a Letter from Congress to President Trump on Prioritizing an FTA with Taiwan
Press Release: Members of Congress Urge Priority Consideration for a U.S.-Taiwan Free Trade Agreement (Arlington, Virginia, May 8, 2017) In a January 23, 2017 memorandum, President Donald Trump directed the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) “to begin pursuing, wherever possible, bilateral trade negotiations” to promote American economic interests. In a letter to the […]

Council President Travels to Taiwan – April 2017
On April 24-28, 2017, Council President Rupert Hammond-Chambers traveled to Taiwan to promote bilateral trade and business relations between the U.S. and Taiwan.

Council Chairman Speaks at the National Bureau of Asian Research
On April 19, 2017, Council Chairman Paul Wolfowitz spoke on “The U.S. ‘One-China’ Policy: Disambiguating the Ambiguous,” a roundtable discussion hosted by the National Bureau of Asian Research, in Washington, D.C.

Council President Speaks on Taiwan Arms Sales at the Heritage Foundation
On April 4, 2017, Council President Rupert Hammond-Chambers spoke at “Reforming and Prioritizing Arms Sales to Taiwan: Recommendations for the New Administration“, a seminar held by the Heritage Foundation, in Washington, D.C.

Council President Speaks at the “2017 Sino-British Summit” in London, England
On February 4, 2017, Council President Rupert Hammond-Chambers spoke on a panel, “China in International Affairs: Potential Challenges for China in the Global Society,” at the Sino-British Summit in London, England.
Editorial: A U.S. View of Taiwan’s “Asian Silicon Valley” Initiative
Editorial: A U.S. View of Taiwan’s “Asian Silicon Valley” Initiative (Arlington, Virginia, February 1, 2017) Editorial by Lotta Danielsson – Global Taiwan Brief On September 8, 2016 Taiwan’s Executive Yuan (EY) formally approved the government plan to establish an “Asian Silicon Valley” (AVS) in northern Taiwan. The ambitious AVS initiative, with a planned implementation period […]