Testimony: Office of the United States Trade Representative 2004
Testimony: Office of the United States Trade Representative: Special 301 Out-of-Cycle Review – Taiwan (Washington, D.C., November 5, 2004) Written Testimony by Rupert Hammond-Chambers Comments Taiwan has made significant headway over the past 6-12 months in protecting intellectual property rights. Taiwan President Chen Shui-bian, Premier Yu Shui-kun, and the members of the Legislative Yuan have […]
Commentary: Taiwan Telecom Regulatory Issues
Commentary: Taiwan Telecom Regulatory Issues (Arlington, Virginia, June 17, 2002) Commentary by Rupert Hammond-Chambers Introduction As part of joining the World Trade Organization (WTO), Taiwan became a signatory to the WTO Agreement on Basic Telecommunications Services. Under that agreement, Taiwan committed to liberalizing its telecommunications market and implementing the regulatory principles contained in the agreement’s […]
Commentary: Taiwan Transportation Issues
Commentary: Taiwan Transportation Issues (Arlington, Virginia, June 24, 2002) Commentary by Rupert Hammond-Chambers Cross-Strait Links With the rapidly increasing business volumes between Taiwan and the Mainland over the past two years, direct links between the two sides of Taiwan Strait becomes increasingly important. Following USA and Japan, Mainland China was Taiwan’s next largest business partner […]
Testimony: United States International Trade Commission 2002
Testimony: United States International Trade Commission Investigation 332-438: U.S.-Taiwan FTA: Likely Economic Impact of a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) Between the United States and Taiwan (Washington, D.C., May 13, 2002) Written and Oral Testimony by Lotta Danielsson Introduction U.S. productivity in the first quarter of 2002 leaped 8.6%, a jump that the Wall Street Journal […]