US-Taiwan Business Council


US-Taiwan Business Council
(703) 465-2930


Washington, D.C.


June 24, 2024

Reception Celebrating SelectUSA and AmCham Taiwan Doorknock 2024

US-Taiwan Business Council Reception Celebrating the SelectUSA Investment Summit and the AmCham Taiwan Doorknock Delegation to Washington, D.C.

SelectUSA’s 10th Investment Summit took place June 23 – 26, 2024. The event is dedicated to promoting foreign direct investment (FDI) in the United States, with a focus on the U.S. investment environment, industry trends, and creating business opportunities. Taiwan sent a sizable delegation to attend the summit.

Additionally, the American Chamber of Commerce in Taiwan hosted its annual Doorknock delegation to Washington, D.C. the same week. A central purpose of the Doorknock is to remind contacts in Washington of “why Taiwan matters,” including its rank as the United States’ 9th largest trading partner, its integral role in the supply chain of major American technology companies, and its status as a lively democracy that shares basic American values.

The US-Taiwan Business Council hosted a reception for its member companies with representatives from both the Taiwan delegation to SelectUSA and from the Doorknock delegation. The reception took place on Monday, June 24, 2024, in Washington, D.C.

The US-Taiwan Business Council thanks its members and the members of both delegations for attending this celebration of the strong bilateral U.S.-Taiwan trade and business relationship.