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American Chamber of Commerce in Taiwan and US-Taiwan Business Council Urge Agreement on Double Taxation Avoidance

(Taipei, Taiwan and Arlington, Virginia)

On June 24, President of the US-Taiwan Business Council Rupert Hammond-Chambers and President of the American Chamber of Commerce in Taiwan Patrick P. Lin signed a letter to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the Senate Committee on Finance, stressing the importance of expediting agreement on double taxation avoidance between the United States and Taiwan. The organizations commend Chairmen Ben Cardin and Ron Wyden, alongside Ranking Members Jim Risch and Mike Crapo, for their unwavering support of the robust U.S.-Taiwan partnership.

As Taiwan plays a central role in crucial technology sectors and serves as an essential trading partner, the business leaders emphasized the need for a bilateral tax agreement under the bipartisan U.S.-Taiwan Expedited Double-Tax Elimination Act, which aims to bolster U.S. supply chains and fortify technological resilience against competitive pressures.

By launching substantive anti-double taxation consultations, the United States and Taiwan can swiftly capitalize on the collaborative efforts to secure technological advancements and economic security. This move is proposed as a response to the stalling of the Tax Relief for American Workers Act in Congress, which underscores the necessity to commence negotiations independently. The business organizations have appealed to the committees to support a signal from the Senate to the U.S. Department of the Treasury to begin these consultations, paving the way for a finalized agreement to be reviewed and ratified by Congress.

For more information, please contact:

AmCham Taiwan Government and Public Affairs
Manager, Joyce Pan (02) 2718-8226 Ext. 211
Senior Manager, Fernando Chen (02) 2718-8226 Ext. 213
Director, Celine Fahn (02) 2718-8226 Ext. 315

US-Taiwan Business Council
Vice President, Lotta Danielsson (703) 465-2930


美台商業協會(U.S.-Taiwan Business Council, USTBC)韓儒伯(Rupert Hammond-Chambers)與台灣美國商會執行長林博智(Patrick P. Lin)於6月24日共同致函美國聯邦參議院外交委員會以及財政委員會,於此文中提及加速美台避免雙重課稅協定的重要性。美台商業協會與台灣美國商會誠摯感謝參議院外交委員會主席卡登(Ben Cardin)、財政委員會主席懷登(Ron Wyden),以及外交委員會首席議員里契(Jim Risch)和財政委員會首席議員柯瑞柏(Mike Crapo)等,長期對於強化美台夥伴關係展現堅定支持。



媒體聯絡人 政府及公共事務部

經理         潘思堯 02-27188226#211
資深經理     陳慶維 02-27188226#213
總監         范家瑋 02-27188226#315

Vice President, Lotta Danielsson (703) 465-2930

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