Media Mention: Council President talks semiconductor supply chain on NTD Business

April 2, 2021

Rupert on NTD Business News, April 2, 2021

Council President Rupert Hammond-Chambers on NTD Business News, April 2, 2021. [YouTube Screenshot]

US-Taiwan Business Council President Rupert Hammond-Chambers appeared on NTD Business News on April 2, 2021. He talked about the global semiconductor supply chain and its vulnerability to disruptions. President Hammond-Chambers said “What if the Chinese were to block Taiwan and sever Taiwan’s ability to export its products, including semiconductors? We’d be seeing significant disruptions.

It is difficult to rectify the issues surrounding the U.S. outsourcing of chip production to Taiwan in the short term, given the expense of building new chip fabrication plants in the United States. Hammond-Chambers added “In the longer term, however, there are strong geopolitical currents towards diversifying high-end manufacturing so that there is more of a balance on either side of the Pacific.

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