Press Release:
New US-Taiwan Business Council Report Offers Comprehensive Analysis of Taiwan’s Private Equity Environment
(Arlington, Virginia, May 28, 2020)
On May 28, 2020, the US-Taiwan Business Council released a report entitled “An Assessment and Analysis of Taiwan’s Private Equity Environment.” Through case studies and analysis, the report details why it would benefit Taiwan to embrace private equity (PE) investments. The report also examines how PE firms can serve as a partner for Taiwan to foster economic growth, and offers policy recommendations to address the gaps that have kept international PE from thriving on the island.
Taiwan’s exemplary response to the COVID-19 pandemic, along with its recent successes reshoring manufacturing, has positioned it well as an investment destination. Global economic anxieties provide an additional incentive for Taiwan to diversify its sources of fundraising and offer a unique opportunity to build ties with private equity firms. Competencies that international PE investments can bring to Taiwan include access to additional capital, management expertise, better understanding of international best practices, as well as regional and global connections that could help Taiwan companies and industries grow and expand.
Against a backdrop of political, economic, and trade tensions that introduce uncertainty about established supply chains and flows of goods, Taiwan should look to private equity as a valuable and unexpected ally. Yet improving the PE investment environment in Taiwan will likely require patient dialogue that encourages all stakeholders to better and more broadly understand how PE can add value to the Taiwan economy.
Rupert Hammond-Chambers, President of the US-Taiwan Business Council, remarked that “It is in Taipei’s long-term economic interest to provide a clear and predictable regulatory framework and to foster domestic markets and public attitudes that would support the return of the international PE industry to Taiwan. That includes a pragmatic and granular approach to travel around the region in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic – a challenging issue for PE firms that have their headquarters and Taiwan coverage professionals in Hong Kong, along with other industry talent in China.”
“Additional investments from reputable international PE funds into the Taiwan market would bring in international knowhow into the various industry sectors targeted for growth by the Taiwan government. In addition, it would help improve Taiwan’s international competitiveness, as well as encourage business integration that could lead to higher efficiencies and thereby increase future profitability.”
For a copy of the “An Assessment and Analysis of Taiwan’s Private Equity Environment” report, please visit the Council’s website at www.us-taiwan.org. The executive summary of the report, along with its translation, is also included with this press release.
2020年5月28日,美台商業協會發表了一份名為《台灣私募股權環境評估與分析》的報告。 透過案例研究和分析,報告詳述了为何歡迎私募股權(PE)投資對台灣有利。文中亦探討私募股權公司如何能夠成為促進台灣經濟成長的合作夥伴,並提出政策建議解決導致國際私募股權無法在島內蓬勃發展的落差。
美台商業協會會長韓儒伯(Rupert Hammond-Chambers)表示:「符合台灣政府長遠經濟利益的是,提供一個明確和可預測的監管框架,並促進國內市場與民意支持國際私募股權產業回歸台灣。國際知名私募股權基金注入台灣市場的額外投資,將為台灣政府設定目標推動成長的不同產業引進國際知識。此外,它將有助於提高台灣的國際競爭力,並鼓勵可提高效率,進而提升未來盈利能力的企業整合。」
如欲取得《台灣私募股權環境評估與分析》報告副本,請參訪美台商業協會的網站 (www.us-taiwan.org)。本新聞稿亦包含報告的執行摘要及其譯文。
About the US-Taiwan Business Council:
The US-Taiwan Business Council (www.us-taiwan.org) is a membership-based non-profit organization, founded in 1976 to foster trade and business relations between the United States and Taiwan. The Council provides its members with business intelligence, offers access to an extensive network of relationships, and serves as a vital and effective representative in dealing with business, trade, and investment matters.
Press Contact (新聞連絡人):
Lotta Danielsson (馬珞丹)
Tel (電話): (703) 465-2930