October 3, 2008 Commentary & Reports

Special Commentary: Taiwan Congressional Notifications Released 2008

Special Commentary: Taiwan Congressional Notifications Released (Arlington, Virginia, October 3, 2008) Special Commentary by Rupert Hammond-Chambers While there has been a delay of over 7 months for 8 separate Congressional Notifications (CNs) for arms sales to Taiwan, on October 3 the U.S. Department of State released six items for notification: Javelin, Harpoon, spare aircraft parts, […]

September 8, 2008 Testimony

Testimony: Office of the United States Trade Representative 2008

Testimony: Office of the United States Trade Representative: Special 301 Out-of-Cycle Review – Taiwan (Washington, D.C., September 8, 2008) Written Testimony by Rupert Hammond-Chambers Dear Ms. Groves, On behalf of the US-Taiwan Business Council, I am pleased to submit the following comments in connection with Taiwan’s “Out of Cycle Review” (OCR) under USTR’s Special 301 […]

March 20, 2008 Commentary & Reports

Special Commentary: Taiwan Votes, What Next?

Special Commentary: Taiwan Votes, What Next? (Arlington, Virginia, March 20, 2008) Special Commentary by Rupert Hammond-Chambers On Saturday, March 22, the citizens of Taiwan will return to the polls for the second time in 2008. They elected a parliament in January, and this time they will elect a new president as well as participate in […]

February 25, 2008 Commentary & Reports

Special Commentary: Inconsistent U.S. Defense Priorities Undermine Taiwan Force Modernization

Special Commentary: Inconsistent U.S. Defense Priorities Undermine Taiwan Force Modernization (Arlington, Virginia, February 25, 2008) Special Commentary by Rupert Hammond-Chambers In the early part of 2007, the Bush Administration tacked a new course on Taiwan’s counter-strike missile program. The new heading was triggered by Ministry of National Defense testimony in the Legislative Yuan (LY) on […]

December 6, 2007 Commentary & Reports

President’s Report: The US-Taiwan Business Council & U.S.-Taiwan Relations 2007

President’s Report: The US-Taiwan Business Council & U.S.-Taiwan Relations 2007 (Arlington, Virginia, December 6, 2007) Report by Rupert Hammond-Chambers The US-Taiwan Business Council had another strong year in 2007. We have seen solid economic growth in the US-Taiwan-China relationship, along with some interesting mergers and acquisitions activity – particularly in the technology, banking and finance […]

September 27, 2007 Commentary & Reports

Commentary: House Resolution 676 (H. Res. 676) On Taiwan Arms Sales

Commentary: US-Taiwan Business Council Supports House Resolution 676 (H. Res. 676) On Taiwan Arms Sales (Arlington, Virginia, September 27, 2007) Commentary by Rupert Hammond-Chambers The US-Taiwan Business Council – a non-profit trade association representing the interests of U.S. businesses in Taiwan – supports the passage of H.Res.676 on the matter of U.S. support for Taiwan’s […]

September 13, 2007 Commentary & Reports

Special Commentary: America’s Relationship With Taiwan Slips Further Into Malaise

Special Commentary: America’s Relationship with Taiwan Slips Further into Malaise (Arlington, Virginia, September 13, 2007) Special Commentary by Rupert Hammond-Chambers The U.S.-China-Taiwan relationship remains one of the United States’ most challenging foreign policy issues, despite our current focus on the Middle East. The stakes are enormous; it isn’t simply the real prospect of U.S. forces […]

June 22, 2007 Testimony

Testimony: Office of the United States Trade Representative 2007

Testimony: Office of the United States Trade Representative (Arlington, Virginia, June 22, 2007) Written Testimony by Rupert Hammond-Chambers Dear Tim, Over the past 2-3 years we have seen a significant rise in mergers and acquisitions activity in the Taiwan market. America’s leading private equity companies – led by The Carlyle Group, KKR, Oaktree and Blackstone […]

April 26, 2007 Commentary & Reports

Special Commentary: Implications for Taiwan of the Failed Carlyle/ASE Buyout Deal

Special Commentary: Implications for Taiwan of the Failed Carlyle/ASE Buyout Deal (Arlington, Virginia, April 26, 2007) Special Commentary by Rupert Hammond-Chambers Earlier this week, Taiwan’s Advanced Semiconductor Engineering (ASE) announced that global private equity firm The Carlyle Group had broken off negotiations to purchase the company, the end of a process begun late last year […]

March 21, 2007 Testimony

Testimony: United States International Trade Commission 2007

Testimony: United States International Trade Commission: Investigation No. 332-478 U.S.-China Trade: Implications of U.S.-Asia-Pacific Trade and Investment Trends (Washington, D.C., March 21, 2007) Written testimony by Rupert Hammond-Chambers Dear Ms. Abbott, The US-Taiwan Business Council appreciates this opportunity to provide comments on the above-referenced investigation. The US-Taiwan Business Council is a private, non-profit and member-based […]